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TikTok and the imagery of war among young people

G. Giorgi and P. Rebughini The Russo-Ukrainian conflict through the lens of social media ...

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The pensions of women between interrupted careers and unequal compensation

E. Struffolino How the gender gap also impacts the end of the employment pathway ...

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The triangle of leadership

D. Ceccobelli and L. Di Gregorio The three fundamental characteristics of every leader (influencers as we...

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Moving without emancipation. The case of the Romanian diaspora

M. G. Montanari and C. Meraviglia Often those who migrate have fewer chances than those who remain. The study ...

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No more nerds and hackers: towards a new humanistic informatics

M. Cremonini A (not yet) successful story valuable for sociologists and political scientists ...

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If the super-rich threaten democracy

E. Icardi A limit on individual wealth: the proposal of limitarianism ...

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To each his/her consistency. Voters and dimensions of politics in Europe

N. Maggini The classic progressive-conservative (left-right) dimension does little to explain voting choices. ...

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Science is no longer a closed shop

P. Mattei Collaborative governance in the new millennium ...

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Democracy and truth. What are alethic rights?

M. Ferrera A proposal of formalized guarantees to counteract false and manipulative information ...

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What would have happened without the Jobs Act

M. Giuliani and I. Madama A study by the University of Milan shows that Renzi's labor reform has, at best...

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Dating apps: love in the time of algorithms

A. Gandini The rational handling of irrational issues: that's the promise of dating platforms. But will i...

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What self-employment (really) means for women and men

R. Bozzon and A. Murgia Flexibility, inclusion, hours worked, concerns. Findings from a European survey ...

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The King's Dilemma, a game that teaches that in politics there are no easy choices

Carlo Burelli Objective: to find a balance among individual interest, common good, and morality – three dimens...

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Lockdown: a bitter medicine (but not too much)

A. Pellegata Dutch, Swedish, German, Spanish, French, Italian, and English citizens. Between health and econom...

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Europe without solidarity? It's like a dog without a tail

C. Burelli e N. Donati From the Great Recession to Covid-19, here is why solidarity is a functional value...

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Refugees and migrants: how and why Europeans like reception more than is thought

A-M Jeannet Europeans approve of policies to protect asylum seekers (preferably with some limits) ...

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Between disability and happiness it's the society that makes the difference

Asya Bellia Why prejudices and architectural barriers weigh more than many disabilities ...

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Come on, let's be realists!

Ilaria Cozzaglio Why philosophy serves a down-to-earth perspective on politics ...

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“You’re a populist!” The success of a political insult in recent UK history

Matteo Casiraghi How the key word of these days evolved through 48 years of debates in the British Parlia...

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Is Covid-19 a threat to democracy?

Andrea Cassani Evaluating the effects of the pandemic on the global political sphere ...

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Health and fiscal policy: European responses to the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic

Matilde Ceron Italy’s, Spain’s, France’s and Germany’s different reactions to the COVID-19 outbreak shed ...

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Feminism in the discourse of right-wing female MPs

Elia A.G. Arfini An analysis of what Meloni, Perina and Satanché said or wrote in ten years in office ...

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Too late, too early. How prevention jeopardizes governments

Francesco Zucchini It's easier to blame someone for what happened than to be grateful for something that ...

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How to get voters to the ballot box in an era of permanent campaigns

Riccardo Ladini An experiment conducted at the University of Trento shows what motivates people to vote ...

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Mercenaries: efficient troops or murdering savages? The changing reputation of contracted soldiers

Matteo Casiraghi From Machiavelli’s “useless and dangerous” arms to Private Military Companies in Iraq an...

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Does size matter? The consequences of shrinking the Parliament

Fabio Franchino The proposed constitutional reform will not turn the Italian case into an anomaly, but the sci...

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Hawks and doves: how Italian parties vote on foreign military operations

Valerio Vignoli Sending troops abroad, centrists are the most favorable to military intervention. An analysis of Italian Parliamentary debates ...

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Debt, GDP, and SGP: who is in charge between the Council and the Commission

Camilla Mariotto Due to the pandemic, indebted governments will not incur penalties, but how has the Eu S...

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The unexpected guest: minimum wage in Southern Europe

Marcello Natili Italy’s “citizens’ income” came last in a series of economic support schemes that other Southern European countries have been...

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Migrants and integration: what the European Union can do

Pierre Georges Van Wolleghem Since the Treaty of Amsterdam, migration policy is at the mercy of vetoes and limited competen...

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EU cohesion policy: a soulless shell

Niccolò Donati Lack of reforms has made the EU lose sight of its goal ...

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NaspRead News, Covid-19 special edition

(edited by Pozzoni e Riva) A press review to understand the Covid-19 emergency with the Social and Political sciences ...

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Trust at and outside work: traces of solidarity in the age of coworking

Federico Bianchi Here's what happens to relationships between colleagues when you share your desk with someone who isn't from your company ...

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Mediatization 2.0: when readers choose their news

Francesca Arcostanzo A cross-media analysis of Italian newspaper La Repubblica shows why newspapers’ “light” news is gaining the upper hand ...

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Flourishing landscapes: resentment and the upsurge of radical right-wing populism in eastern Germany

Hans-Georg Betz In 1989 the Berlin Wall came down. Three decades later, reality has sunk in. And it's sobering ...

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How citizens see political parties

Federico Vegetti Viktor Orban's Hungary shows the (lack of) influence of election manifestos on voting behaviour ...

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Why it is hard (if not impossible) to abolish the Council of State

Elisa Rebessi Verifying the lawfulness of government regulations takes time, and often delays the implementation of laws. Some consider this a problem, but others benefit from it ...

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Precarious workers and unemployed people vote with their wallet, not with their guts

Fedra Negri Social democratic parties are losing support all around Europe. But is it all populists’ fault? Here’s what matters at the ballot box to those who don’t have a steady job ...

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When it comes to religion in Eastern Europe, the Berlin Wall never came down

Francesco Molteni Secularization won in the West. Is it true that there’s an orthodoxy revival from Prague to Moscow? What happens to the search for God after the end of Communism...

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How to be a realist

Carlo Burelli How to implement our ideals without turning into saints or fanatics ...

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Career journalists: does politics matter?

Sergio Splendore A joint study by the University of Milan and the University of Munich shows what af...

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What (and how useful) European agencies are

Marta Migliorati Frontex, Ema, Efsa and many others. How do they work? ...

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"Our workers first!", labor mobility and chauvinism in Europe

Alessandro Pellegata We are free to travel and work without being discriminated. What, then, makes us chauvinists? ...

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The Euroskeptic vote grows with coalition governments

Francesco Zucchini Since 2014, votes in favor of anti-establishment parties have raised. But it's not all about the economic crisis ...

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