- Link to the scientific article: F. Zucchini e Andrea Pedrazzani (2021) Italy: Continuous Change and Continuity in Change in (T. Bergman, H. Bäck, J. Hellström eds) "Coalition Governance in Western Europe", Oxford University Press.
July 2022, Italy. And we are in a government crisis. But it is nothing new for the Peninsula to be in such a Cabinet crisis. Are we an isolated case? Are there other countries that resemble us in this respect? Has it always been like this? Are there factors that unite executive crises or others that favor stability for ministers and prime ministers? Is it unusual to be faced with an "extra-parliamentary" crisis? Are all crises alike?
We discuss this with Andrea Pedrazzani, professor of Sociology of Political Phenomena at the State University of Milan. In 5 minutes, with NaspRead interviews!
Interview and editing: Giulia Riva